SOLTEL joins European project C-SERVEES: Activating Circular Services in the Electrical and Electronic Sector
C-SERVEES aims to boost a resource-efficient circular economy in the electrical and electronic (E&E) sector through the development, testing, validation and transfer of new circular economic business models (CEBMs) based on systemic eco-innovative services that include: eco-leasing of EEE, product customization, improved WEEE management, and ICT services to support the other eco-services. ICT tools (relying on QR codes) will be developed as the driver of the proposed eco-innovative services to take full advantage of the potential and synergies of two major revolutions of our time: the circular economy and the Industry 4.0. The project will thus contribute to transform the E&E sector into circular and 4.0, raising new opportunities for end-users (such as their involvement in design or the access to a product as a service) and for social and solidarity economy (conducted by NGOs, like EMAUS, which employ people at risk of social exclusion to repair and prepare WEEE for re-use). The techno-economic, environmental and social viability of the new CEBMs will be validated through demonstrations dealing with four target products belonging to different EEE categories: large household appliances, IT equipment, telecommunications equipment, and consumer equipment.
Soltel joins the consortium as an ICT company in charge of developing a collaborative tool for the exchange of information between different actors in the value chain during the life cycle of the different EES. The platform developed by Soltel will be a controlled communication channel allowing producers to share information useful for the different phases of the life of an EES, from repair or disassembly manuals to information on specific components that are relevant for the recycling of equipment, such as the composition of certain components or the presence of some special or hazardous substance. Communication will be two-way, so that producers also receive feedback on the impact of their initiatives in the field of the circular economy.
More info about the project in:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 776714
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