System for the automated detection of plagues and diseases, performance prediction and determination of fruit maturity in olive tree cultivation. By means of hyperspectral technology, temperature, humidity and pressure sensors, the farmer can get these valuable parameters from his plot in real time, stepping in the field of precision farming.

It is an ideal solution to optimize the crop management taking advantage of the most recent technological innovations in the sector, like remote sensing by advanced images, field sensors (Internet of Things, M2M) and the use of Big Data techniques to elaborate predictive models, all of it hosted in the cloud.

The solution is designed for different action levels: cooperatives, large farms, small farms and phytosanitary information and alerts networks

Early detection

Early detection of plagues and diseases (olive fly and repilo). Allows to minimize losses and an efficient use of pesticides

Optimized technique to determine the fruit maturity level

Non-invasive method to determine the level of maturity of the olives and their fat yield. Saves time compared to traditional sampling techniques and provides better quality information

Reduction of the environmental impact

Early detection and diagnosis allows to reduce losses in the crop and to use phytosanitary products more efficiently, which has a great environmental impact.

Predictive system

Predictive system to calculate the expected performance of the crop and to determine the best moment to harvest. Zoned performance, customized to your needs.


Continuous control of the parameters of the crop. Interfaces depending on the user's profile.

Real time information

APP with main indicators. Direct and accurate information in real time. Alerts

Protocol to apply to different diseases and crops

Available protocol to apply to different diseases and crops, reducing the time to determine spectral signatures.

Pay for use

Modality of plug-and-play service. Complete solution in pay for use, with no need to make a heavy initial investment

Integration with other systems

Possibility of integration with other available management and planning systems. Standards based development.



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    Proyecto subvencionado por el CDTI y apoyado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad con una ayuda cofinanciada por fondos FEDER a través del "Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020" y fondos propios del CDTI.